Friday, May 7, 2010


So as a spinoff to the other MASSIVELY SUCCESSFUL blog that I have been inadequately contributing to, I have given myself a new assignment.

It should be clear by now that I am a PROLIFIC blogger with great attention to frequent updates and deep, thought-provoking content. So by no stretch of the imagination should this be viewed as some CHEAP PLOY to force my creative wellspring of AWESOMENESS to flourish through some sort of automated shame-based tactic. OH NO SIR, this is just another sweet venue through which my honeyed tongue can drip my UNPARALLELED CRITICAL WISDOM into your SUPPURATING LEPROUS ILL INFORMED EAR. So just lean back and enjoy it.

I have too many CD's, more than ONE MAN can stand. It is a terrible cross to bear, and your sympathy has been marked and noted. As a result, I don't listen to them. Ever. BUT TODAY that will change. TODAY! For the next unknowable time period, I am going to listen to them. All of them. Alphabetically. One a day, until some gulf oil spill creeps up the Mississippi creeps up into my house and drowns me in thick black tar. Or I get bored, or busy with something else.

Note for the uncautious - THIS WILL SUCK, MUCH OF THE TIME, OR A LOT. We will all lose.

*disclaimer: claims of accurate alphabetization are wholly inaccurate. this will suck. lots of this stuff was free. the most shameful stuff was probably purchased with REAL AMERICAN DOLLARS in some sort of drunken stupor and/or (FULL DISCLOSURE) ill-informed excitement about stuff that I thought was awesome, but was in fact crap. I do not make any claims about accurate inclusion of terrible things I buy during the course of this, such materials are more likely to be reviewed on fantastic team blog

1 comment:

  1. I like your concept, and fear for your sanity. That goes double for deX.
